Main Categories | Law | Data Act

DA.600 Right to decline the request


Art. 18 Data Act (COM Proposal)




2. Without prejudice to specific needs regarding the availability of data defined in sectoral legislation, the data holder may decline [...] the request within 5 working days following the receipt of a request for the data necessary to respond to a public emergency and within 15 working days in other cases of exceptional need, on either of the following grounds:

(a) the data is unavailable;

(b) the request does not meet the conditions laid down in Article 17(1) and (2).


3. In case of a request for data necessary to respond to a public emergency, the data holder may also decline [...] the request if the data holder already provided the requested data in response to previously submitted request for the same purpose by another public sector body or Union institution agency or body and the data holder has not been notified of the destruction of the data pursuant to Article 19(1), point (c).


4. If the data holder decides to decline the request [...] in accordance with paragraph 3, it shall indicate the identity of the public sector body or Union institution agency or body that previously submitted a request for the same purpose.



Winfried Veil
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Last update: 2023-08-06 15:52:16
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2022-02-28 23:37:27