Main Categories | Law | Data Act

DA.600 Share data with third party



Art. 17 (4) and (4a) Data Act - Trialogue Agreement


4.           Paragraph 3 does not preclude a public sector body or the Commission, the European Central Bank or Union body to exchange data obtained pursuant to this Chapter with another public sector body, Commission, the European Central Bank or Union body in view of completing the tasks in Article 15, as specified in the request in accordance with paragraph 1, point (cc), of this Article or to make the data available to a third party in cases where it has outsourced, by means of a publicly available agreement, technical inspections or other functions to this third party. The obligations on public sector bodies pursuant to Article 19, in particular safeguards to preserve the confidentiality of trade secrets, shall apply also to such third parties. Where a public sector body, the European Commission, the European Central bank or Union body transmits or makes data available under this paragraph, it shall notify the data holder from whom the data was received without undue delay.


4a.          Where the data holder considers that its rights under this chapter have been infringed by the transmission or making available of data, it may lodge a complaint with the competent authority referred to in Article 31 of the Member State where the data holder is established.

Winfried Veil
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Last update: 2023-08-06 16:00:52
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2022-02-28 23:17:47