Main Categories | Law | Data Altruism

DGAa.16 Inform data holders/subjects


Art. 19 (1) DGA:


"Any entity entered in the public national register of recognised data altruism organisations shall inform data holders or data subjects prior to any processing of their data in a clear and easy-to-understand manner:

(a) about the objectives of general interest and, if applicable, the specified, explicit and legitimate purpose for which personal data will be processed, for which it permits the processing of their data by a data user;

(b) about the location of and the objectives of general interest for which it permits any processing performed outside the Union, in case the processing is performed by the entity entered in a national register of recognised data altruism organisations itself."



Art. 19a (1) DGA:


The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 28, supplementing this Regulation by establishing a rulebook, laying down:

(a) appropriate information requirements to ensure that data holders and data subjects are provided, before a consent or permission for data altruism is given, with sufficiently detailed, clear and transparent information regarding the use of data, the tools for the giving and withdrawal of the consent, and the measures taken to avoid misuse of the data shared with the data altruism organisation;


Winfried Veil
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Last update: 2022-01-13 08:43:07
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2022-01-12 15:46:20