Main Categories | Law | Data Altruism

DGAa.44 National policies



Art. 14a DGA:


"Member States may have in place organisational and/or technical arrangements to facilitate data altruism. In support of this Member States may define national policies for data altruism. These national policies may in particular support data subjects in making personal data related to them held by public sector bodies available voluntarily for data altruism, and set out the necessary information that is required to be provided to data subjects concerning the re-use of their data in the general interest. If a Member State develops such national policies, it shall inform the Commission."



Art. 19a (1) DGA:


"The Commission shall adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 28, supplementing this Regulation by establishing a rulebook, laying down:


(c) communication roadmaps taking a multi-disciplinary approach to raise awareness of data altruism, of the designation as a data altruism organisation recognised in the Union and of the rulebook among relevant stakeholders, in particular data holders and data subjects that would potentially share their data;


Winfried Veil
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Last update: 2022-01-13 09:21:39
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2021-12-15 09:46:26