Main Categories | Law | Data Intermediaries

DGAi.31 Financial Penalties


Art. 13 (4) (a) DGA:


"The competent authority shall have the power to require the cessation of the infringement referred to in paragraph 3 within a reasonable time limit or immediately in the case of a serious infringement and shall take appropriate and proportionate measures aiming to ensure compliance. In that regard, the competent authorities shall have the power, where appropriate:


(a) to impose, through administrative procedures, dissuasive financial penalties which may include periodic penalties and penalties with retroactive effect, or to initiate legal proceedings for the imposition of fines, or both;

Winfried Veil
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Last update: 2021-12-10 17:27:10
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2021-12-10 16:46:51