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PC.23 Data Altruism


Big Data, pattern recognition, machine learning and artificial intelligence generally require large and diverse data sets. One problem for this is often data access. One idea to organize data access in a way that prevents the concentration of data power in the hands of a few large companies is data altruism. Related ideas are discussed under the concepts of data donation and data sharing.


In data altruism, people voluntarily provide "their" data for public benefit. In the EU Commission's proposal for a Data Governance Act, data altruism is seen as the voluntary provision of data by individuals or companies for the common good. Art. 2 No. 10 of the Commission's draft defines "data altruism" as follows:


“The consent by data subjects to process personal data pertaining to them, or permissions of other data holders to allow the use of their non-personal data without seeking a reward, for purposes of general interest, such as scientific research purposes or improving public services.”

Winfried Veil
Social Media
Last update: 2021-06-17 08:28:56
By: Winfried Veil
Created at: 2021-05-13 10:12:25